I have just installed LCC 2.12 and it doesn’t work. Version 2.11 worked fairly well but was a bit buggy
when switching scroll wheel settings when focus moved between apps.
I have tracked down the problem to the fact that some files are missing in the install, read on for more
info and a fix.
Updated 2007-01-07: ‘a’ pointed out that you need to make sure the ownership of the kext is correct,
so I’ve added another step.
Updated 2007-01-11: I’ve just noticed that Logitech have pulled version 2.12 from their site. You can only download version 2.11 at the moment.
Updated 2007-01-12: Version 2.12 is back on Logitech’s site. Unfortunately, it is still broken.
Updated 2007-01-23: [Logitech have fixed the bug](/2007/01/22/logitech-mx-revolution-drivers-fixed/.
I’ve removed the download as it’s not needed any more.
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Windows Uptime
This is for my own future reference. To find out the uptime of a Windows box, type
net statistics server
The date and time the server started up is printed at the top of the resulting output.
LEGO Mindstorms

Hot MacBook
When I removed my MacBook from its Second Skin this evening at about 19:00, it was almost too hot to hold.
I put it to sleep at work (by closing the lid) at about 17:35. It obviously didn’t sleep,
or something woke it up. The fan was running at its fastest speed, but the machine was unresponsive -
I couldn’t even get the screen backlight to come on. I forced it off by holding the power switch,
and when it came on again it was fine - although the fan stayed running for another 5 minutes.
It’s the first time it’s happened and I’ve had it for over 2 months now. Odd.
Ruby memcache-client enhancement
Recently I have been refactoring some code so that various computed results are saved in a memcached cache to improve performance.
A common cache idiom is:
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- Compute cache key
- look up key in cache
- if value found, return it
- else, run some code to generate the required value
- save the generated value in the cache
- return the value
which would be used to compute
the value if the key wasn’t found in the cache.
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